Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Visa acquired!

My Visa to study abroad for one year has been ACQUIRED! So now I am absolutely guaranteed to go to Japan. Nothing stands in may except for one month, the cost of new luggage, and several dreadful hours worth of packing.

I will be leaving one month from today. By this time next month, I will be on the flight to Japan, hopefully settled into my guaranteed-to-be delightful economy class seat with my snuggie, my iPod, and my Gameboy DS.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

I got my CoE!

I finally received my CoE last week! What is a CoE, you ask? Why, it's a legal document that you receive in a roundabout way from the Japanese government (I think?). It stands for Certificate of Eligibility, and it's basically what allows you to to apply for a Visa.

It's such a weird procedure. First you have to be accepted to study abroad etc etc. Then you have to send documents to the school in Japan, who then applies for your CoE to the government, and the government sends them the CoE, which they then send to you, which you have to bring (or mail) to the nearest Japanese consulate in order to apply for your visa, which will later get sent to you.

-_-; So cumbersome.

Well now my dad and I have to at some point figure out a time that works for both of us and for the business that we're running and with the Consulate (because we have to make an appointment) to drive down to Miami, an hour south, and somehow find the embassy and apply for our Visa. Or we could mail it, but since I only have one Passport and one CoE I am significantly less secure about it. D: Well, this next week appears to be hectic, but we'll see what happens. If it seems like we can't get down there at any point this week, mailing it might be the best option.

Well, that's it for now. More preparations are sure to commence soon. Or they should. >_>;

First post!


And welcome to my blog. There's nothing here yet...because I haven't started my adventure yet! But as I start preparing for my departure, which will be September 18 (so soon!), I'll be updating here. So stay tuned!

I would just like to say one thing: You may be wondering, good reader, why in the heck this blog is not in the least bit Japanese-like? Well, here is your answer: I didn't want to be cliche! That and, I wanted it to represent my tastes a little, and I kind of really love the background to this page. 8D So yeah. Hopefully the colors aren't too abrasive for anyone. xD