Sunday, August 8, 2010

First post!


And welcome to my blog. There's nothing here yet...because I haven't started my adventure yet! But as I start preparing for my departure, which will be September 18 (so soon!), I'll be updating here. So stay tuned!

I would just like to say one thing: You may be wondering, good reader, why in the heck this blog is not in the least bit Japanese-like? Well, here is your answer: I didn't want to be cliche! That and, I wanted it to represent my tastes a little, and I kind of really love the background to this page. 8D So yeah. Hopefully the colors aren't too abrasive for anyone. xD


  1. My roommate sophomore year was a ginger in Japan. Apparently her hair was called all sorts of colors but no one ever said red XD

  2. Asian guys like redheads a lot I hear. Prepare to be hit on :]

  3. Yaaaay~ I will be a novelty xD
