Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fun, food, and friends in Japan

So here it's been about three weeks...wait, almost a month? I can't believe it's been that long already. Rather surprising. xD; Well anyway, my point was, it's been a month, so I've made quite a few friends already. :D The other exchange students and I have been out to dinner, to izakaya (a Japanese-style bar), and to karaoke with Japanese, Chinese, and Korean friends we have met in these past few weeks.

I promised some photos of random fun-age last week and never got a chance to upload them, so here they are:

Izakaya Part 1

Karaoke Part 1

Sorry for the crummy pictures. xD; There was too much fun for photo taking, haha.

Izakaya Part 2

Karaoke Part 2

Heh. As you can see, we have a fair amount of fun. xD; Especially when there are a lot of us, haha!

Also, I've got one more shot to add to this post, and it's this one:

This is us international students with the teaching assistants and Tanaka-sensei from the Thursday Japanese VII-2 class. They're all super nice and really fun. :D

So that's it for this post. Today I went to a farm and harvested rice and sweet potatoes, but that's a story for another post. xD

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