Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shameless Plug

Hello readers!

I hope this finds you well. :D I am very well. I'm currently on a 2.25 month spring break and slacking my life away. xD Actually in March I'll go on an ALL JAPAN TOUR!! Well more like a LOTS OF PLACES IN JAPAN TOUR!! or something like that. Anyway I plan to go to Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara, cities in the west side of Japan, and hopefully other places. Actually there's this great deal that happens with JR Trains during major breaks: you can buy one day go anywhere stop however many times you want tickets for 2500 yen, whereas ordinarily it costs 2200 yen just to go to Tokyo, which is two hours away by the regular train. Kyoto is about 6 hours, my Japanese friend recommended, so that 2500 yen per ticket is a DEAL. Only problem is it doesn't start until mid-late March, which is a month-ish from now. D; So I must wait.

Keila and I had plans to go to Korea but money has been a bit of issue, so she may not be able to go, and I'm not entirely sure if I want to go by myself. :( But if that happens maybe it'll be mid-March also. Who knows? In any case ALL/PART OF JAPAN TOUR 2011 will happen. And it'll be awesome.

Anyway my main reason for posting was to tell you this and that nothing exciting has happened since I last posted, except we went to Yokohama's China town for Chinese New Year, but it wasn't especially exciting, there was just some lion dancing and firecrackers. Plus yum yum Chinese food. Good stuff.

Also, a shameless plug! I got to be a finalist for this scholarship competition, but the third round is determined by voting, and currently I'm in 5th place, out of six. :( SO PLEASE VOTE FOR MY PICTURE! Of course it's the one Japan picture on the list, and most of you know who I am anyway. xD
Click Here

Thanks~ <3

Will (probably) update you on things to come! :D

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