Thursday, March 10, 2011

My First Earthquake Experience

Today at 2:46 PM there was an earthquake of 8.9 magnitude just off the coast of Sendai, in Northeastern Japan. Tremors were felt all across Japan to even the west end, in Kansai.

Click here for pictures and details.

During the hour after the initial earthquake, there were many extra tremors and little earthquakes ranging from 5 to 6 on the scale.

It was really scary! I didn't like it at all. When the first one hit I was cleaning out my microwave, and I realized that it and the fridge (which it sits on top of) were moving way too much for the amount of cleaning I was doing. So I stopped, and it was still moving, and I realized the floor was moving too. It was so strange! So as my geology teacher last year taught me, I quickly put on my shoes and ran outside, and stood out there with the landlady and few other residents waiting for it to stop. It heaved for a good couple of minutes before it stopped.

For some reason I had this impression that earthquakes make loud groaning noises when they happen, but that is not the case. It's just the floor shuddering silently with varying degrees of movement; from little shakes back and forth like an amusement park ride, to larger shifts like a swing. It's so strange. And it's not the floor moving, especially when you're outside. It's like the whole world is moving and taking you with it. It's the weirdest feeling ever.

I didn't feel particularly in danger of dying or anything in this case, but I was really uncomfortable. If that is just a 5 or a 6, then I don't want to know what more can do. And the fact that there were repeated tremors for the hour afterward was cause for anxiety. I think I have a little bit of vertigo now because I'm paranoid it'll happen again. It's just a strange feeling.

Obviously it doesn't happen that often if this is the first time I have experienced it since being here, but this could be one of my least favorite natural disasters, second maybe to tornadoes. It could seriously deter me from living in a place like this where they happen frequently. x_x;

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