Monday, March 14, 2011

How Disasters Bring People Together

As I regularly scroll through my Facebook wall page, I keep finding things that comfort me and bring me joy. Natural disasters have a way of bringing people together in a way no one would ever think people. People helping other people out of the pure kindness of their hearts, without any regard to what it would cost them. It's absolutely amazing. On the day of the event, even though the cell phone lines were down and the cellphone mail servers were completely congested and it was difficult to send and receive mails, people were desperately trying to call or all of their family and friends to make sure everyone was okay. I received multiple mails from many people in Japan asking if I was alright, and I was glad to feel everyone's concern. When morning came in America, I received tons of e-mails and Facebook wallposts asking if I was alright. I am extremely touched and grateful for everyone's concern and love for me. Thank you.

To see how disasters bring the best out of people, please read this link provided by a friend on Facebook. In particular I want to point out this particular tweet from a Japanese person:
The information sharing efforts on Twitter or USTREAM, together with the quality of coverage and crucial updates provided by the mass media this time around is incomparable to what we got during the Kobe earthquake. I am deeply impressed by Japan’s successful efforts and ability to put to practice lessons learnt from past tragedies.
I believe this is so true. Except for the coverage of the nuclear power plants, the media, at least in Japan, has done a fantastic job covering the disaster, and the use of social networking sites has been completely effective in locating and contacting people, and ascertaining many people's safety. I am impressed.

If you are interested in joining the assistance movement, here are a list of reputable donation sites for the Japan cause:
Courtesy of Huffington Post

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