Sunday, March 13, 2011

Continued Updates

I never thought I would use this blog as an emergency update tool. :( Makes me really sad.

Apparently Mishima will be having scheduled power downs because there is not enough electricity to go around the area. We will be out from 9:20 tomorrow morning until 1, and then 6pm until 10. Keila and I have to go out and buy candles or flashlights so we are sitting in the dark for four hours tomorrow night. Unfortunately, I also heard that there will be no internet connections, and I have no idea how long that will last. Keeping people updated on my status may be difficult. Hopefully cell phones will still work, and if we can't use phones, usually mailing works too. If anyone needs to contact me, feel free to send me an e-mail on my cellphone: Hopefully the mail servers won't be horribly congested, but if something happens I will be sure to send everyone mails as best I can, but to be sure I get you, make sure you send me your e-mail address.

Here's to hoping things improve!!

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