Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nuclear Radiation Levels

So I kept a positive attitude and believed we were safe from nuclear meltdown, I was for the most part correct. I didn't think much about the escape a radiation.

There was another explosion at the Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, which apparently released some radiation into the air. That radiation has been blown towards Tokyo, which now has about 20-30 times the normal radiation levels in the air. Authorities say this is not life threatening, though, which something of a relief.

It hasn't reached this area yet but we aren't safe yet, I'd think; I would assume we'll get some radiation here as well, since we are only a few hours west of Tokyo. However, I am hoping that it will be so dissipated by the time it gets here that it won't be a problem.

I won't say I'm not tired that I don't want to go home. I definitely do. From what it seems tickets out of the country are difficult to get by and it's difficult to get to an airport, but I will do my best to stick out the next couple of days and hope things get better, and then I will seriously begin to consider going home.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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