Sunday, March 13, 2011

About the Nuclear Powerplants

Hi everyone.

It seems the internet is still around--for now. I don't know what kind of situations will come but I will be sure to keep you updated.

In the meantime, I want to give you some information about the nuclear power plants that are currently a big scene among media reports everywhere.

In actual fact, there is little to be worried about, both here and abroad. By there is not going to be a nuclear explosion, or a hydrogen explosion, or an explosion of any kind, and it's likely that there is not going to be a nuclear meltdown either, as TEPCO seems to have the situation under control by using seawater to cool the cores.

I have so far read three reassuring articles about how we will not all die from radiation poisoning or a nuclear explosions, so please check out those three articles for more information and clear explanations:

As for other things, well it seems power is still insufficient but the schedules power outages have been postponed? Or changed? I don't know, we foreigners don't get updated too much. lol. But Facebook is being kind and has an information box for foreigners in Japan about the power outages and the stopping of trains. It would seem that lately it would be near impossible to travel anywhere for a while, which I fine because I'd rather be near my comfy apartment with my friend Keila so we don't get stranded somewhere random. x_x;

Anyway keep praying for us and for Japan as it continues to work its way through this crisis!!

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