Thursday, September 16, 2010

2 Days Left!

So it's now Thursday. I'm leaving on Saturday. THAT MEANS ONLY TWO DAYS. AHHHHHH.

Yes, that about sums up how I feel right now. It's insane. All summer long I've been waiting for this, and now it's here. I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited, but like I mentioned before, a bit nervous. Living in a foreign country for a year is going to be crazy.

I was able to get a hold of the friend who volunteered to house me the other day. She can't, after all, house me, which is fine. I asked a few other friends but no one could take me, so I booked some hotels for the two nights that I plan to be in Tokyo: one by Narita for the first night so I can crash when I get there (plus it has free Breakfast so that's a major plus), and one by the Tokyo Station so I can be in the center of the city and be able to get to Mishima by 10:30 without waking up super early and having to commute to the bullet train station from a far away place.

I tell ya, there were so many hotels to choose from. >_>; It was kind of hard. But I got it done! And yesterday I went and got some Yen for my beginnings, so I should be good to go.

Now I just need to finish up some last minute laundry, finish packing, and be on my way!

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