Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm in Japan!

Well, here I am in Japan! It's already been a great first few days. I left America on Sunday and had three safe flights for a total of 17 hours, although they went by very quickly. I stayed in Narita for a night, then went on Tokyo, had a horrific time navigating my way through Tokyo with three suitcases, and found my tiny little Tokyo hotel room for the second night. I didn't see much of Tokyo because I was still jetlagged. Although I did explore Shinjuku a little, but only around the Shinjuku station. I kind of (?) got a jist of the Tokyo subway system, which was grand.

Then on Sunday, I departed for Mishima! I arrive safe and sound around 10:20, just 10 minutes before the designated time to meet, where I met Kelly, a Japanese exchange student, and Jiyoon, and Korean exchange student, as well as Erika (who is super cool) and Shinohara-san from the CIELD office of Nihon Daigaku. Everyone has been wonderful.

Mishima is a medium size city. There's a lot to explore! Already I have been to the university, the station, a store called PC Depot (so as to buy an ethernet cord and achieve internets), the supermarket, and various other small stores. The dorms (which are more like apartments) are quite nice, with great amenities, and although there is no washing machines, you can rent one for 800 yen a month, which is AMAZINGLY cheap. I think I will also rent a television, which is 600 yen a month, because one cannot live in Japan without enjoying periodic Japanese television, I mean please.

It is ridiculously hot here. The 15-20 minute walk from the dorm to the university (or any walk in general) is awful. You feel like a shower after every trip. But hopefully it will get cooler soon. Hopefully.

And now, without further ado, pictures! I know that's what you've been waiting for. :)

View from the hotel room in Narita

Garden behind the hotel in Narita

Cramped Tokyo hotel room with a totally different view!

The bullet train! Much more comfy than an airplane.

My Apartment!

It's nice! It has air conditioning, which is 1000000000x plus, and it has all the basic amenities I could ever need. Plus it's like a 5 minute walk to the super market and other things. I like it! =]

So that's the lowdown! I have yet to take any pictures of Mishima itself or the school, but tomorrow is a day off so I will go exploring for a 100yen shop (equivalent to a dollar store) because I need hangers and other miscellaneous equipment, and then I will take pictures. 8D



  1. Most amazing, looking forward to more pictures. Did you mange to meet with anyone in Tokyo? What is that bread machine looking device in the kitchen between the sink and the cooking element? (signed in Japanese)-父

  2. Am so happy for you :)! Good luck homeslice and have fun.

  3. that looks awesome, Dale! :D sounds like you're already having a great experience

  4. It's a rice cooker!! My dream come true. =]

    And no, I didn't meet with anyone. It was all too last minute.
